Monday, August 18, 2008

First Day of Kindergarten

Today was the first day of kindergarten, and we had a 2 hour delay! Apparently, 15 school buses were vandalized in the night. So AnneMarie got to sleep until 8 a.m. and school did not start until 10:15. We didn't take the bus today, We will try that out tomorrow. She reported that she had a great day, but didn't give too many details. She said she fell asleep during the rest time, she ate all her lunch, they ate outside, and she colored a giant rainbow with markers. They also had music today and she really loved that. She met up with a friend she had made at the assessment day last week. That was about all we heard. We will find out more at Curriculum Night next week.
AnneMarie picked out her clothes herself. The school has quite a strict dress code, but does allow denim as long as it is not embellished in any way.
Sister got Jack a backpack to drag around so he could be just like her. After we dropped her off, he asked me "Where is Sisser?" I told him she was going to stay all day at kindergarten, and he replied in his scary voice "I want go kindergarten too!" This is kind of a mad growl voice, his favorite way of expressing his displeasure. So he was not too happy about being left behind. He saw Julia at the drop off and knew he was the only one who didn't get to go to kindergarten. He has 3 whole years to wait!


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