Thursday, March 04, 2010


This year we made Valentines out of Family Fun magazine. Given the option, they both decided they would rather make their own than buy some.
Jack thought this design was hilarious. The eye is supposed to be a little more on the forehead, kind of covering the real eyes, but he did that part himself and he wanted it on the nose. He also wrote his name on all 12 Valentines himself. I should have taken a picture of a different one because his name came out better (that is, in the right direction) on most of them.
AnneMarie likes owls and she chose this design. The magazine suggested the slogan "You're a hoot" along with several others. But she actually made up the other two she used "Whoo's my Valentine?" and "Whoo has a heart like yours?" She also made every set of eyeballs different on all 21 Valentines for her class. The owl is supposed to look like it is sitting on branch. The ones in the magazine were a little cuter, they used paper that was different on the back side so the folded over head was a contrasting color, but we didn't have any paper like that.
Overall, making their own Valentines was fun but it was a lot of work for me. If we do it again next year we will get started on the project sooner so that they will be able to do more of it themselves.
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