Saturday, April 17, 2010

First Grade "Western" Concert

These pics came out horrible, the lighting was not good. The first grade concert was held at the high school, the girls were so excited to be up on the big stage (and Jack was so jealous!). Each class had one song that they "danced" to, while all the other classes sang along. The kids were encouraged to wear cowboy boots and hats.
Julia's class danced and sang Buffalo Gals. Julia is in a pale blue shirt and a bright green bonnet.
They did some kind of partners dance involving ropes. Julia was relieved because the boy who was supposed to be her partner, who she doesn't like, did not show up. She got paired with someone else who apparently she likes better.
AnneMarie's class did their dance to Old Dan Tucker. AnneMarie has on a pink shirt and a weird hat with her back to the camera. They did a cute dance that involved shaking around bandanas. AnneMarie's class had an excellent turn out, 18 of the 22 kids showed up. Her teacher is standing on the stairs with the plaid shirt.
There were about 8 songs total, one for each class, and the girls knew them all so well! The concert ended with everyone singing Happy Trails to You. They definitely had a great time, the girls were practically giddy with silliness when they finished. AnneMarie loves to perform!
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