Wednesday, August 17, 2011

First Day of School!

Here they are! Third grader and kindergartener, on their way to MLK Elementary!

Hanging out at the bus stop. We are working on getting the stop moved closer to our house, since there is only one other child who goes there and he also lives down the street.

Here is Jack in his classroom. One of his teachers, Mrs. Mascone, is in the background. She was instructing them to unpack their backpacks and showing them where to put their lunchboxes.
All in all, it was a good day. AnneMarie has several friends in her class, including Jarod, Ashton, Adryenne, Anna and a couple others I can't remember. Jack is making friends and several kids from his class ride on his bus. After the first day he said he loves the bus! But, on the second and third morning he woke up saying "I'm not going to school." By the time 8:30 rolled around, he was ready to go! So I guess it is not too bad.
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