Monday, August 29, 2011

Happy 8th Birthday!

AnneMarie turned 8 on Sunday! We actually had her slumber party on Friday night. The theme was American Girl and all the girls were asked to bring a doll or stuffed animal. We made sleeping bags for the dolls. The girls played outside for a while, then got into pajamas and opened presents. They watched an American Girl movie and ate a ton of popcorn! In the morning we had cinnamon rolls and sang Happy Birthday. I think AnneMarie had alot of fun.

Adryenne (from class and soccer team), Julia, AnneMarie, Sydney, Tenzie (from small group) and Lily. This was the first time to have friends other than cousins sleeping over.

Adryenne gave AnneMarie a ladybug pillow pet, super cute! She also got some craft stuff, a Pucci pet (puppy in a bag), a dress and jewelry from Hawaii, and a Littlest Pet Shop doll, among other things.

AnneMarie, who dislikes cake, had cinnamon rolls instead for the second year in a row.

Sydney forgot her pajamas so she is wearing AnneMarie's. They barely covered her tushie! Of course, she remembered some very fancy clothes, a book to read, and her hair straightener. Too too cute! It was a really fun time. The girls fell asleep around 11:30 after some serious threatening from me. They were up about 6:15 a.m. It could have been worse! Overall, a great party for my very special 8 year old girl!

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